Friday, August 12, 2011

Life As a 2 Year Old... Naked & Happy

Life continues to surprise me!  Maybe I was expecting the worst because of all the things I've heard about 'The Terrible Twos..." or maybe it's the fact that Hunter (although wonderful, sweet, happy & I wouldn't trade him for anything!!) hasn't been the easiest child thus far... (especially just coming out of the 'screaming fit/non-verbal complete melt down' phase). Or maybe it's just that we have finally found our stride!  Either way, turning 2 has brought our family even greater joy!  Not to say we still don't have "moments" or "days" where times are tough, tempers & patience are short, or melt downs seems to occur sporadically, because we definitely do.  It's just the fact that our little man isn't "terrible" at all - He's actually quite the opposite and just so dog-gone precious!!  
 A sweetness I couldn't have imagined has risen from inside this little man.  He loves, hugs, and kisses on us constantly.  His signature move is his "double hug" which completely melts our hearts.  He offers this love at the most random times and of course makes all of our days!  He also loves to kiss us on the head, and give us dino-"saur tisses."  He knows how to give Eskimo sugars and insists that every boo-boo he or we get needs to be kissed, then he usually kisses them himself!
He is still partial to the people he loves, but is becoming friendlier and warms up quicker to new friends & acquaintances.  He goes to the church nursery without crying and even spent an entire day with just his Uncle Mike & Aunt Amanda! He also calls all his cousins & playmates "Payt" and truly gets excited about getting to play with any of them!! (Although, the other day I told him Easton was coming over and that they could play in his buddin buddin together - He went from excited to "No Tee-ton, no chare buddin buddin" - He loves his cousins, just not sharing his toys!!
He has also learned to both smile at the camera & be completely annoyed!! He will occasionally say "cheese" and loves to view the picture afterwards, but what is truly cute is when he giggles at himself while watching the video playback!  He LOVES it!
 Hunter has also started saying and doing the cutest things that totally throw us off guard, either making us wanna laugh or just kiss him to pieces!  For example:
-He is also very animated with his make-believe playing like with his trucks & tractors he makes perfect "buuuddin buuddin...nnnnn" sounds! He can mimic exactly like his toy trucks sound!
-One morning while he was eating breakfast in his high chair, i leaned down & kissed him.  He instantly said, "Eww Mess!" (a phrase we hear CONSTANTLY!) So I said, "Who made a mess?" He pointed to my mouth & said, "Eww." So I said, "Does Mommy's breath stink?" He replied, "Yes!"  
-He LOVES the cartoon, Caillou.  So we get to hear about "Ty-choo" and talk about him as if he is a part of our family.  This makes Hunter so happy that Caillou now headlines every nap/bed time story, which he now giggles through
-Hunter has really started trying to communicate & he kills us with his yes's & no's. If we repeat back incorrectly he will say no, and keep trying until we get it right. Then he'll say, "Es!" 
-He's finally starting to make sentences; "Peas truck," "more nana," "Dranny outside?"
-He's also being very observant.  On one of our Walmart trips, he pointed out to me that his seat in the basket was "hot" from sitting in the "hot sun." Later, as we were leaving he noticed the car next to had been wrecked, saying "Mommy - dat tar boke... crashed." Then as I pulled in for gas he said, "Mommy - das? in tar?"
-My heart melted when he pointed to my Willow Tree figurines "Promise" (husband & wife - holding each other) and said "momma & da-eee?" And then he made me laugh when I pointed to the "Cherish" (expectant mother) and explained to him that it represented him, when he was in mommy's belly and he looked down my shirt and said, "no!... ninnies!"  Hahaha  Oh how I love that little mind!
Hunter went to his 2 year old check up!!  He was his typical self: standoff-ish to the children in the waiting room, he clung tight & buried his head in my chest when the nurse walked us down the hall, then screamed like he was being tortured as we tried to get his height & weight, and again when Dr. Lovell would get anywhere near him...  Our only bright moment of the day - Hunter loved climbing on the "BIG TWUCK" in the exam room.  Results: "a bit on the small side" but right on schedule for all other verbal and motor skills; climbing stairs, 2-3 words sentences, follows simple instructions, & even some fine motor skills like drawing a straight line & circle (was pleasantly surprised when Hunter copied my lines & circles with chalk on the driveway that evening)
Height: 34 inches          Weight: 24 lbs
Hunter's eating habits are improving as well! He woke up one morning and after repeating it several times for me to finally understand, asked for "beakfas & awfuls" (breakfast & waffles).  Much to my surprise he has started eating carrots, green beans & asparagus which he calls "geen" and has also developed a love for shrimp!  He's eating a variety of fruits, other than bananas, like watermelon, "bapples," and strawberries with "sug," and smoothies!  He'll eat peanut "butter" by the spoonfuls or occasionally on a PB&J.  Other favorites include: steak, macaroni & cheese, spaghetti, scrambled eggs, pizza, hot "dogs," orange & apple juices, cereal with milk, go-gurt, block cheese, turkey, chicken, & of course almost anything listed under the "junk food" category! Those favorites include: "m-ms," "cake," reeses, "tooties,"and frozen ice pops. 
We've been training some as well!  I've been trying out some of Mrs. Michelle Duggar's techniques and Hunter seems to be getting the hang of them!  For instance, when we are wanting Hunter to come here we call/sing, "Hunter, Come here please!" and he (most of the time) runs right to our feet - sometimes to wipe his face or other times just for a kiss or a special treat!! Daddy has also been working with Hunter on his bed time routine - which has been GREAT for Mommy!!  I love that they are getting to share in that special time every evening, reading books & praying together.
This summer has been amazing and FULL OF FUN!  We have practically lived outside, enjoying every bit of these long & hot summer days...  And if Hunter was capable - He'd completely agree, adding that running around naked all day long might possibly be his favorite part...  Ahhh, Life as a 2 year old!!!

Behold, Children are a heritage from he Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, are the children of one's youth.  Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!  
Psalm 127:3-5

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