The most notable characteristic that 3 has brought is Hunter's continued obsession & ever increasing love and understanding of trucks, tractors, & all things construction. He LOVES this construction puzzle that my sweet friend Casey gave to him, and is becoming really good at putting it together by himself.
He enjoys pretending that it's his "job site."
We've spent all summer on the lookout for different pieces of equipment and thanks to grandmommy's awesome yardsale finds, we have found all but one - a crane. It's so funny to me that Hunter now enjoys "yard selling" and thinks this is pretty much the only place to get toys. HA Donuts are always a special treat during a fun morning of yard sales.

He's really acquired quiet the collection of heavy machinery, farm equipment, & trucks.
He's also become very "vocally" imaginative. The conversations he has with his toys, the high-pitched or deep voices he devotes to each different one, and the scenarios under which his toys endure are just too funny. Occasionally I'll hear him chattering away and I won't know if he's playing or talking to me so I'll ask him what he said. If he's just playing, he usually acts embarrassed and his response is always, "anything." Which of course means "nothing." :)
I've tried dozens of times to video him deep in play, but he always catches me and clams up (hmm - just like his mommy).
His library picks continue to follow this certain pattern as well . . .
I've tried dozens of times to video him deep in play, but he always catches me and clams up (hmm - just like his mommy).
His library picks continue to follow this certain pattern as well . . .
Pops gave Hunter this new board book about construction - which he adores & can flip through all day long.
Andrew voiced his concern a few weeks ago about this little obsession, but I assured him that Hunter is only 3 years old and that it is just a phase . . . Besides, what could possibly be any cuter and more "boy" than the love & fascination for tools, machinery, and dirt?? In fact, I think it helps him learn so many new things like how machines function and how things are built (I know I've learned alot - like how tunnels are created and the difference between asphalt & concrete).
It also spurs his imagination during play time to create, build, and "work together" with his trucks and tools. His "buildings" are always changing and adapting.
I love his imagination!
While I was playing with him the other day he kept getting frustrated with how I was playing and said, "Moooom. I'm trying to pway wif you but every-fang I say, you not do!" haha We are working on the challenging skill of "playing together" rather than bossing our friends.
Occasionally his imagination gets a little carried away . . .
I bought a "Bob the Builder" dvd out of the $5 bin at Wal-Mart thinking it would be great for road trips. I didn't realize just how WONDERFUL he'd think it was or how he'd beg & plead to watch it over and over and OVER. Luckily, I discovered that I can dvr a new 30 min episode every morning at 5am & I found several more "Bob the Builder" dvds at Rhea Lana's a couple months ago. This helps us adults, who also have to listen & watch, keep from pulling our hair out.
We have all actually learned quiet a bit from these shows, but it's Hunter's vocabulary that's truly exploded. It's absolutely hilarious to hear him rattle off the names of all the equipment as we pass by "job sites," each with their own precious stories. As in, "that Digger is digging a big hole for that building to drink water from," or "that Dump Truck and Cement Truck are hard at work building that road." He's even corrected me at times when I've confused their names or just called them a "tractor." Hahaha The funniest of all, has been Hunter's development of a few catch phrases:
-- "It's a long day at the job site"
-- "It's hard work building a house."
-- "Hey! I got a good ideas." or "I gotta good pwan."
-- sings "Bob the Builder, can we fix it? Yes we can! Uh-yeah, I think so."
(also noted that he knows the tune & when Grandmommy sang it incorrectly he shook his head and said plainly, "no - dat not it. Yous not know'd it."
While at a thrift store the other day, I found Hunter a few books for $.50 each. One of these was a "Bob the Builder" that no longer lit up or made noises, but I knew Hunter would love it anyways. He was super pumped when I gave it to him and went off to show his Daddy. At some point Hunter must have convinced his Daddy that it needed fixed, so Andrew took him & the book to Wal-Mart to replace the batteries. Upon having it "fixed" Andrew came to me exasperated over having to put $6 worth of watch batteries in this old beat up book, when brand new it only cost $8. I said that it was his own fault because Mommy never had any intention on doing anything with the book other than reading it. LOL Daddy's can be such suckers - especially to those big brown eyes. :) haha
"Bob the Builder" has also lead to my need to limit his tv viewing time, which is usually a 30min show during breakfast & another during lunch (taking the concentration off of having to sit in a high chair and the food placed in front of him, continues to help his eating/intake -- even though I know it's probably not the most desired way to get your child to eat.)
I laughed so hard when I noticed how he was sitting -- cross legged. Andrew assures me that "business men" sit like that all of the time, but it's just funny to me because no man I grew up around ever sat with their legs crossed. :) hahaha, it's still funny to me
Speaking of eating, Hunter continues to improve in the area, adding new likes and occasionally "trying" out foods. His favorites are all still the same;
2 eggs, Go-Gurt, PB & banana, pancakes with syrup, cereal (Raison Bran Crunch being his favorite) white powdered donuts (3 at a time, because he's 3 of course), peaches, oranges, strawberries, purple grapes, Froot Loops, Strawberry Pop Tarts with icing (nutritious-I know), PB&J sandwiches, raw carrots, deli turkey, Cheetos, pretzels, block cheese, and his absolute favorites - "Shrimp & Noodles" or "Spaghetti wif doze meatballs." He absolutely LOVES these frozen dinners, to the point that he often begs for them at every meal, including breakfast. At $1 each, easy prep and easy clean-up, I really don't mind that he enjoys them so much... and they especially help during those meal times when I want to fix Andrew & I something that I know he will hate. However, I only buy 5 per week so when they are "gone from the freezer," that's it, which helps eliminate any arguments & whining. ;) (at least it's "lean" and includes "vegetables" right??)
And he's still CrAZy over Ice Cream Sandwiches and feels as though he's entitled to this "dessert" as long as he eats all of his meal . . . though typically that only happens about once a day. :)

I snapped this picture after bursting out laughing when I discovered that my sweet little man had decided to make his own lunch . . .
Pretzels, tostitos, nilla wafers, more tostitos, & an ice cream sandwich . . .
Another new passion for our 3 year old . . . technology. He has developed a LOVE for playing games on the IPhone, IPad, and any "puter" he can get his little hands on.
A few of his favorites at the moment:
He is so good at this game that he often has to show US how to pass a level . . .
A bit on the girly side, but I figure it uses creativity to come up with some of these yummy creations.
I think this sweet kitty reminds him of his Lily. He loves to hear his voice altered & repeated back to him and of course helping her brush her teeth.
For some FUNNY reason unknown to us, Hunter loves this song & video of these two cats. Every time he gets his hands on my phone, he turns this song on & just cracks up throughout the entire "music video."
The talking parrot is another favorite - especially getting to hit him with tomatoes.
And of course any app that has to do with trucks or construction . . .
Most of the apps are just fun & silly games, but there are a few that are really educational. Hunter actually really enjoys tracing his letters and I feel as though it's a great way to help encourage his learning.
We can sum up the summer in one simple word: HOT. By the time July rolled around, Hunter had just about decided it was "Too Hot" to do anything outside during the day. For the most part, I agreed with him and we were able to enjoy the air conditioning & activities indoors. So evenings when Daddy got home from work were reserved for all outdoor play (although many nights it stayed near 100 degrees until after 9pm.) Soooooo Hot.
I love watching these two play together. Andrew is great to devote his evenings spending time with Hunter. There's just somethings he needs his Mommy for and other things his Daddy. Rough, tough, shoot-em-up, loud boy play = Daddy.
Our little man catches us off guard on a routine basis with the most hilarious stunts. This particular moment we actually caught on camera -- Hunter had yanked up his shorts & was giggling, so we asked him what he was doing, he replied,
"I'm Papa Bob!" I mean seriously?? How cute & funny is he . . .
"I'm Papa Bob!" I mean seriously?? How cute & funny is he . . .

Since receiving his new bicycle for his birthday, Hunter has really become a pro. It took hardly any time at all for him to catch on and now it takes a slow jog just to keep up with the little man.

His favorite place to ride this summer: "Gull-Weey Park." He loves the long sidewalk that meanders throughout the park, crossing bridges, and always ending with playtime on the playground. He can distinguish between each park in our area & specifies from time to time which one he wants to go to. One evening while we were driving he even pointed out (correctly) "the way" to Gulley Park. It's funny because we know he's 3 & that he's smart but he still manages to surprise us constantly!!
Love those eyes and precious cheeks . . .
Andrew & I crack up every time we take him for a ride because he gets so into it, continuously revving up the handle bars (esp showing off if others are walking near).
He does really well but can get to moving a little too fast sometimes - and training wheels just aren't very good for off roading on dirt & rocks.
Mommy is always quite a ways back these days, but Hunter is sweet enough to remind Daddy to stop & let me catch up periodically.
What a big boy he's turning in to . . . It surprised me when he took off down this ramp - I guess he's been watching the big kids play?
My baby is turning into a big kid before my eyes :(
Oh how I love summer nights spent at the park . . .
Long gone are the days of sweet natural smiles -- Now, if we can just get him to LOOK at the camera its an accomplishment. We can't help but laugh at his refusal to taking his picture, I mean come on
- doesn't he know what that's asking of this mom?? lol
- doesn't he know what that's asking of this mom?? lol
Sometimes he decides to oblige . . . but our prettiest "smile" typically includes a "cheeeeeze!!"
Mental Note: Don't buy too many clothes for summer next year . . .
he lived in underwear 95% of the time
he lived in underwear 95% of the time
Another new phase - pretending to be "baby Hudson."
So far he just likes to "show me" what the baby is going to do or act like, and it's more of a funny joke. I'm just hoping this doesn't develop into something not-so-funny-haha when our baby arrives. His favorite - pretending to rock, drink a bottle, and make a stinky poo-poo diaper. (of course it would be) LOL
The other day Hunter was a little too quiet playing in his closet, so when I went to check I found him playing with my old "Jonathan" doll. I asked him what he was doing (he had put a tiny babydoll underneath the bigger babydoll's shirt) and like normal he said, "anything" with a smirk on his face. I tried not to make a big deal or embarrass him, instead just sat down to join in the play. But when he asked me "how baby get out?" and I explained that we go to the hospital & the doctor helps him out, and then he said back, "dat not right, hooooow?" I was a little lost for words. Luckily I managed to distract him when the "baby started crying & needed him to fix it a bottle." Whew . . .
Hunter had his 3 year old check up in July with our new doctor, Dr. Averitt. I had spent the couple days before coaching him through the appointment to prepare him for all that was to come - including how to be friendly & polite, speaking to or answering questions when asked. He was excellent and happy to play puzzels & read books and use his whisper voice in the waiting room - but snapped momentarily when it came time to measure his height & weight. I had to take him out of the clinic & down the hall (toward the bathroom-uhh hmm) before he calmed down enough to "talk it out" and decide to be a big boy. Praise Jesus it didn't escalate into anything major and we were able to continue the rest of the appointment without any problems.
Height: 39 in (75%)
Weight: 30 lbs (30%)
BMI: 14.2
Doctor's Evaluation:
"Development - very shy but no concerns. Well developed, well nourished, with resolving hemangioma on right upper eyelid. Epicanthal folds - eyes tested normal. Good range of motion & no torticollis. (yeah!) Normal tone & reflexes."
We were very surprised but very happy with his height being in the 75% range, because we had been thinking he was on the shorter side. I wasn't expecting such a detailed eval and so was very happy that Hunter was able to "pass" each "test." (standing on one foot, drawing an X & a circle, etc.) Minus the fact that he would NOT speak. I assured Dr. Averitt that his verbal skills were very good & clear (for a 3yo) but she had to take my word for it, because my shy little man completely shut down in that category.
As we walked out the door, I was praising Hunter for deciding to obey & choosing to be a big boy for his appointment, when he reminded me, "But I not talk Mommy." Hmmm - is he a smart little stinker or what? So even though I'd overlooked that 'disobedience,' chalking it up to shyness, I had to follow through & only allow him 2 of his 3 treats I'd brought for rewards.
As we walked out the door, I was praising Hunter for deciding to obey & choosing to be a big boy for his appointment, when he reminded me, "But I not talk Mommy." Hmmm - is he a smart little stinker or what? So even though I'd overlooked that 'disobedience,' chalking it up to shyness, I had to follow through & only allow him 2 of his 3 treats I'd brought for rewards.
Pa came to visit & keep Hunter-man while Mommy & Grandmommy went out for lunch & shopping for a little while - yeah! He brought Hunter & baby Hudson matching "tool" socks that Hunter absolutely loves.
Our last trip of the summer - Branson, MO
Hunter was all smiles when he found out we were going to get to stay in a hotel again - more so than going to Silver Dollar City or White Water. hahaha We set out after lunch to allow a prefect time for Hunter to nap on the way but he was just too excited.
We stayed at the old "Dutch Kountry Inn" that I had stayed at soooo many times as a child traveling to Branson with my family. It was neat to return with my own little family for a weekend of fun.
And wouldn't you know it - Hunter crashed as we were pulling into the parking lot at Silver Dollar City. AND we had forgot to pack a stroller - seriously?
I knew what was to come but Andrew assured me that we'd be fine without one. But after just a little while of carrying our little man & him whining at every attempt to make him walk - he happily agreed to rent one from the park. How times have changed - he used to HATE strollers & now he's very content to be in one
(or maybe it's as close to being "carried" as he can get anymore.) lol
(or maybe it's as close to being "carried" as he can get anymore.) lol
It took him a little while to wake up from the 10 minute power nap in the parking lot
But once he did - it was FUN FUN FUN all day long.

We are so thankful that Hunter loves rides - he'd have a difficult time enjoying this family if he didn't.
This trip Daddy was the designated riding friend since Mommy's belly was a little too big to squeeze comfortably onto any ride.
It's not a trip to SDC without an hour or two spent playing in the "ball house."
Balls + Guns = Boys
Still doing the "Jaw." A habit I'd love to break.
Mommy & baby took a break while the boys were off shooting guns. Walking the park & being out in the heat was definitely a bit difficult this time.
Although Hunter didn't seem to mind.
He cooled off with the soaker guns.
Between the carousel & the swings, these two rides always bring out the sleepies in our little man.
Another Hunter favorite is always shooting the guns in the Flooded Mine.
But this was his first time in Grandfather's Mansion.
He wasn't sure what to think of it all - but we did have some good laughs.
I brought his favorite -special- breakfast
White Powder Donuts
The next morning we spent at White Water
It had turned cloudy & actually quite COLD - but we were troopers & pretty much enjoyed the place all to ourselves.
Hunter loved all of the water slides & some of them moved pretty fast!
The bucket play area is just perfect for Hunter & all of us to play at. Small enough for him to do alone and big enough for us to enjoy as well!
Throughout the day we had to take several "warm-up" breaks to rid ourselves of blue chattering lips.
Finally the sun came out and helped warm us up enough to enjoy an Icee.

Hunter was too sweet wanting to include his baby brother. On each ride he had me measure my belly height to make sure we were all tall enough to ride. haha
Each time he'd say, "Yep him is!"
We had such a fun day watching Hunter enjoy himself and have such a great time. I just love being with my little family - What a blessing.
Hunter's love for this fur-ball is crazy sweet. He loves to hold & cuddle her and take care of her like a baby. Lily still helps us get through so many situations that could easily escalate into a melt down . . .
So when she got beat up by some neighbor cats a few weeks ago, Hunter was extremely concerned. I was hesitant to rush her to the vet, thinking she's a cat & it could probably heal on its own . . . mistake. By day 2 it had abscessed and we were now looking at an overnight stay with the vet, a week with a drain tube (that I was in charge of cleaning & caring for!), antibiotics, and stitches. Major guilt. Boo.
Hunter made the trip to the "kitty doctor" with us and I had people praying that she would get a good report & live to be around for a loooooong time. Poor little man fell apart when we were told that Lily needed to stay there overnight - but mommy was quick to come up with a happy thought to make things better.
I explained that Lily got to stay at the special vet hotel, like the hotel we had recently stayed at in Branson. It made the situation bearable but he was anxious to pick her up the next morning.
I explained that Lily got to stay at the special vet hotel, like the hotel we had recently stayed at in Branson. It made the situation bearable but he was anxious to pick her up the next morning.
I'm not sure who was more excited for her to be home - Hunter or Lily. He was so protective of her "boo-boo" and she would not stop rolling around & purring all over him. (I did realize later that she was pretty doped up on pain meds which probably encouraged such a happy homecoming. ;)
Hunter thought her new t-shirt was extremely funny and I was just thrilled to have that drain tube covered (out of sight & off my furniture). Keeping the wound/tube cleaned wasn't the easiest task ever issued - especially trying to work around my growing belly. Fortunately once I was home, I had the stomach for it because I came extremely close to passing out during the demonstration at the vet's office.
(which was completely embarrassing & scary at the same time!)
(which was completely embarrassing & scary at the same time!)
But after a week or so, our Lily was back to her usual self . . . thank the Lord. I realized through that experience that we do not want anything to happen to her because our little man would be devastated! Oh how he loves his Lily Bell.
I managed to get a couple smiles before church the other day - miracle.

One of my favorite things to do at this stage is to ask him questions & listen to his responses. hahaha I'm usually always surprised by something that comes out of that little mouth. After church I always ask him what he learned that morning and he usually gives me his version - which is always adorable. Sometimes we can figure them out & others we can't. haha A few things he's learned about:
-- Him climbed in hiiiigh tree & Jesus yelled at him "Get Down!"
(Zacchaeus in the tree)
(Zacchaeus in the tree)
-- A lady gave her monies to Jesus (the widow with 2 coins)
-- Lots of animals on a BIIIG boat and raining and Jesus (Noah & the Arc)
-- Mean king through them in fire, but them didn't get burned
(Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego)
(Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego)
-- Jesus stomping on ants (we never did figure out this one - lol)
It's truly a major task to get him to leave the house for anything - including anything he considers fun. Most of the time once he's out, he's fine, but the effort it takes to get him there almost isn't worth it. Even after enjoying a fun outing, he'll still ask to "go home pwease." So we have spent A LOT of time at home the last several months, which hasn't been such a bad thing
(since his mommy can be a homebody too) :)
(since his mommy can be a homebody too) :)
Andrew & I have had several projects lately as we set up Hunter's big boy room and the nursery. Hunter has really enjoyed building & painting at our home "job site."
He had been working on this little project for a while, when he came and got me to show me the "special surprise" he'd made me . . . Just what I always wanted! ;)
My Two CrAZy Boys . . . and what will a third one be like?
I'm going to have my hands full.
We rediscovered a new favorite place to visit this summer - Wilson Park.
I couldn't believe that it had actually been several years since I'd been there and had never taken Hunter! Needless to say, we managed to make it a new Friday morning tradition for several weeks.
Hunter loves the castle (and so do I).

He was tired of me taking pictures of him and decided it was only fair for him to get a turn . . .

Saving the best for last. A few favorite quotes from our big 3 year old this summer:
-- Really into stringing words together just to be silly; turkey-watermelon-pooter (we are desperately working on eliminating using bodily functions as silly words). I'm beginning to see a trend in my child selecting random words to just say.
Rarely do we hear "Africa" or "BoBo/Ge-Ge" anymore.
Rarely do we hear "Africa" or "BoBo/Ge-Ge" anymore.
-- still loves to "grind our bones to make bread."
-- "It's sunny degrees outside today." when describing the weather.
-- says "Hosea Hosea" rather than, "no way Hosea."
-- Is still trying to figure out days of the week / times. When telling stories etc, he'll randomly say "yesterday,""last night,""last weekend," or "Fwyday" to refer to past events that most of the time do not correlate with the time frame he is suggesting what so ever.
-- says "Whaaaaaaat??" in the cutest tone, that always makes us laugh
-- responds with "I not think so" when we lead with "I think . . . "
-- "Ohh Man, Shoot." (very hard not to laugh at) and he used it for EVERYTHING for a while, but have been practicing "nicer" ways to express ourselves.
Grandmommy gets credit for this dirty mouth.
Grandmommy gets credit for this dirty mouth.
-- One day, when discussing how different foods are grown & where meats come from he asked where Kool-Aid came from. When I said I wasn't sure, he said, "OH! I know! Wal-Mart!" Yep, doesn't everything??
-- One morning as I was unloading the dishwasher, Hunter asked, "You picking up cause Daddy coming home?" hahaha As if I only clean before daddy comes home. Luckily I realized this was due to my effort & explaining of the importance of having a clean house/picking up his toys, for Daddy to come home to after work.
-- When he's cold, he says he needs "some of yous hot." Meaning he wants me to snuggle him and make him warm. This always melts my heart.
-- Andrew noticed a red bump under his eye the other day and asked him, what happened. His answer - "It's a Birf-mark." Literally, we burst out laughing.
-- When I told him to just pick the beans out of the taco meat & eat it, he replied, "But mooooom, that's going to take AGES!" Where does he come up with this stuff?
-- After spilling some spaghetti on my ever growing belly he asked, "You need one my bibs?" Probably.
-- Occasionally when he disobeys & I catch him, he tells me he was "just surprising" me. We are working on learning the difference between deliberately disobeying and surprising.
-- We are also working on telling the truth vs. a fib. So far he's pretty good about telling on himself because he comes to me with that look in his eye and says, "anything." Since I wasn't even asking - I know he must have done something rather than not anything.
-- I had told him not to jump on the furniture & when I heard what I thought was jumping I asked, "Hunter - are you jumping on the couch?" His disappointed response, "not anymore . . . " Another 'bust a gut' moment where I held my laughter in until I could get out of sight.
-- And my favorite at the moment: Hunter expresses his love 'amounts' compared to what else?? Construction. "I wuv you as much as . . . a dump truck" or "as big as . . . a tall tall ladder." 3yo has brought out an even sweeter side of our little man that loves to express his love for us. Hardly a day passes that I don't receive dozens of love pats, kisses, and "I wuv yous." My cup runnith over.
Words cannot describe my love for this little man . . . He is truly my world & I cherish every moment spent with him. Life is just so precious.
Hunter, I love you as big as the tallest crane & more than all the construction trucks in the whole world.
These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
John 15:11
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