We've had a some busy weekends (and weeks) during the past couple of months but loads of fun. First we joined up with some friends for our (first & only) baseball game of the season . . .
Arkansas Natural's Baseball
The best part to Hunter - Sucking on the salty peanuts
And the popcorn :)
I of course enjoyed visiting with the girls (I couldn't even tell you who we played or what the score was) But I had a great time!
These cuties had a blast running around the box & dancing to the music.
Even the tiniest two had a blast!
It was a fun night for all but I especially
love time with these girls
The Shores' fam invited us over for their neighborhood block party & to cheer on the Hogs. Once again I was too caught up visiting & keeping up with these 2 cuties to pay much attention to anything else. :)
Gentlemen - start your engines!
Oops - Dead battery. Gotta hitch a ride.
Yes - that's how he wanted to wear his hat.
And they're off . . . in a pink Barbie Jeep
Fun & Laughter was present.
A bouncy house was involved.
There was chasing & wrestling.
And more wrestling.
And at some point an elbow injury . . .
Then there was baseball . . .
Soccer . . . and Football . . .
But eventually the injury won out & it was time to go home.
We celebrated Grandparent's Day with Grandmommy!
And then sent loving wishes to all of our wonderful grandparents who couldn't be with us. Grandparents are Wonderful!
Happy 3rd Birthday Easton
So sweet
Make A Wish
Hats off to the cake decorator - Good Job Mommy Emily
Time for presents (& a little cuddle with Uncle Brian)
Still babying that arm a week later . . . hmm
He refused to play in the bouncy house during the party & continued to complain that it hurt. Though when I questioned him, he said he was more afraid that he would hurt it than it was actually hurting.
So as Andrew headed out for the beautiful mountains in Colorado for a week of Elk Hunting with his dad. . .
Isn't he just handsome :)
We headed to Wynne, AR (arguably not as beautiful as those Aspen covered mountains) but way more fun! It had been about 3 1/2 months since we had seen these dear friends, after their move 5 hours across the state, and we were all very excited about an entire weekend together!
We headed to Wynne, AR (arguably not as beautiful as those Aspen covered mountains) but way more fun! It had been about 3 1/2 months since we had seen these dear friends, after their move 5 hours across the state, and we were all very excited about an entire weekend together!
While we were there, Kasen celebrated his 3rd birthday!
"Cars" Playdough. I didn't know it exsisted, but these boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
How old are ya'll?? Is that 2, 3, or 4? Hahaha
It was already sprinkling outside . . . why not go ahead & get soaked
Party Time!
I loved how laid back my sweet friend was about this party & the fact that Hunter was the only "friend" outside of family that was invited. :)
Time for Cake -- Dinosaur themed for this guy of course
Then time to open gifts! (I was really proud of how Hunter handled Kasen getting all the awesome presents & not himself - you never know, cause that jealousy crab can grab hold of any of us, at any time) Though he did tell me later that maybe he "could get one those at my birfday."
Love these 3 ladies!
Couldn't go without getting a belly pic with my bestie.
It was a great time spent playing games
And catching up with dear friends.
But after minimal sleep from a very late night & early morning, hungry bellies from the inability to stop playing long enough to eat, and a melt down that morning that lasted for 2 hours and resulted in the "fixing" of a dislocated elbow, (yes, I yanked him by the arm out of the bath tub during a major fit and snapped it like a shot gun back in place. Scared me to death, but better me than the doctor in this situation) this little man was worn out.

So Bath & PJ time it was
This was his 'happy face' when I asked him to smile for a picture
At least there were smiles rather than tears during this bath time.
Sporting their matching Cars "shoe-houses" before bed.
After a goodnight's sleep and a pancake breakfast the boys enjoyed some more play time while us girls pampered ourselves a little -- actually my sweet friend painted my toenails because I can't reach them anymore and I didn't have time to get them done professionally. (only the BESTEST of FRIENDS will do that for you.)
Then we headed out to fill our bellies again.
It became very clear that Hunter was missing his Daddy & "male bonding" when Kenneth was roughing up Kasen & Hunter asked if "pwease, him do that wif me?" So pitiful!
Before we headed back home, we had one more birthday to celebrate!
Happy 1st Birthday Eden

Aunt Connie holding my little man & Aunt Linda watching our boys play together . . . Life is such a neat thing.
Thanks for a wonderful wonderful weekend Cassie, Kenneth, Shelby & Kasen!
We love you all and can't wait until our next visit
Back at home, Hunter & I had a fantastic week just the two of us. We managed to get a few projects completed & enjoy a couple playdates with friends -- although we did miss Daddy a few times. Especially the night when Hunter scared me to death when he asked, "Mommy, is that Daddy home?" I said, "no - why?" And he replied, "Cause I heard that beep beep noise in there." Talking about the door alarm and pointing to the living room . . . needless to say he freaked me out a little and I was ready for Daddy to COME HOME IMMEDIATELY.
There little home away from home . . .
On our last day alone, as Andrew & Bob were driving home - we met Abby, Ava, & Landon at Wilson Park for a picnic & play date.
I sure hope Hunter enjoys his baby brother like he does baby Landon.
No one was interested in smiling for a picture during our picnic . . .
But we sure had a perfect spot under this big old tree - the park was absolutely gorgeous. We ended up staying at the park for almost 4 hours . . .
The kids had a great time climbing on the castle and playing in the creek that runs through it, which resulted in two soaking wet, but very happy & tired children.
While we were enjoying God's beauty in the park, Andrew & Bob were enjoying God's beauty on the drive home.
If you're going to take a 3 hour detour - might as well stop and sight see at the Royal Gorge for a little while. ;)
This was what they were hoping to bring home . . .
The Royal Gorge Bridge

So after Daddy got home, Hunter really wanted to take him to the beautiful park too.
Another gorgeous day spent at Wilson Park.
He was the best little tour guide, making sure Daddy didn't miss any special spot.
Hunter was excited to show Baby Hudson around as well . . .
But we couldn't play favorites - we had to spend the next day at Gulley Park as well.
On the hunt for a crawdad

Finally --- Success!
By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, And by the breath of His mouth all their host. He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deeps in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.
Psalm 33:6-9
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