The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.
Psalm 19:1

Dad managed to organize a weekend for the Wright side of the family to get together out at the farm. It's been a while since we've had any kind of get together and it seemed like a great opportunity to enjoy family, & a beautiful fall weekend.

So after getting the "ok" from my OB and then debating & going through the list of "what ifs" for traveling 2 hours away from our hospital at almost 38 weeks . . . we loaded up the 4-wheeler, cooler, and camping chairs and headed to the farm.

Thankfully Dad was prepared for a pregnant Momma :)

I was so thrilled that my Meme was able to join us. Love.

It was a little on the cold side . . .
But beautiful, sunny, and a perfect day for a campfire 
It's been Way-Too-Long since this crew has had a chance to get together for some family fun and have some good laughs :)

And it's been forever since I've been to 'the farm,' so I was really excited to get out there during one of it's prettiest seasons.

Not only was I looking forward to a fun day, but I knew my little man would be in heaven . . . and boy was he ever.
He loves everything about his Pa's farm . . . (except snakes - Haha)

And he asked specifically if Colt & Boss could come too :)
It was also a fun way to celebrate mine & dad's birthdays together.

Once we got there, Hunter was all about riding 4-wheelers.

I, of course, was in no shape for a 4-wheeling adventure, so Meme & I enjoyed some great campfire chit-chat.
I talked my hubby into taking some pictures for me while they were riding around - and then I stole some from Dad as well. :)

When they got back, Colt & Boss did a few of Hunter's favorite tricks
(those same tricks we pray for at bedtime every night - lol)

And then Dad served us up some of his delicious home-made chili.

It was such a great day and I am so thankful we were able to join in on the fun (and that I didn't go into labor during the journey). I look forward to so many more years spent with my boys out here . . .
For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield; the Lord bestows grace and favor and glory! No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
Psalm 84: 11
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