Yeah - Yeah - Yeah
I am officially in the home stretch!
It's crazy that the first 33 weeks took sooooo long and now the past few weeks have FLOWN BY! Fall is always a busy time of year, but add on a 3 year old to divert attention and I feel as though I've blinked and now we could be heading to the hospital at any moment.
We kicked off October with two very special events:
The first: Our 'Sprinkle'
34 Weeks
We met at Hammon Trees and enjoyed some delicious gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. I love this little place but we rarely ever make it over to that side of town - so it was a very special treat! And of course, I loved the wonderful visit with these precious ladies. ( Heather Schishler, Jill Roberston, Abby Milbrodt, Katie Rowe, Me, Amberley Futterer, Stacy Hicks )

Stacy was so sweet to organize this for us and even brought these yummy cookies for our littlest 'H'.

Needless to say my heart is full. Thank you friends for showing such love. And thank you Lord for the oh-so-many blessings you continue to pour into our lives. We cannot wait to meet our littlest so very soon!

The Second: My 10 year, high school class reunion
Stacy was so sweet to organize this for us and even brought these yummy cookies for our littlest 'H'.
We feel so blessed to have such amazing friends. And they blessed us again with these wonderful gifts. I tried not to make a big deal about the party or the gifts to Hunter, because I didn't want him to feel left out from all the attention towards Hudson ( I know - silly Mommy stuff). But after seeing the presents & me having to explain about the party for baby Hudson, because he kept asking me if it was my birthday . . . he surprised me so much when he expressed such honest joy for his little brother. He acted so excited that my friends had bought his baby special gifts - he especially loved the blanket and the football toy because "baby Landon (Milbrodt) has ones like them too!"
Needless to say my heart is full. Thank you friends for showing such love. And thank you Lord for the oh-so-many blessings you continue to pour into our lives. We cannot wait to meet our littlest so very soon!
The Second: My 10 year, high school class reunion
The next week I tipped the scales and surpassed my highest weight I'd ever been :) woo-hoo
35 Weeks
Momma came across these baby-dolls that represented each stage of development for a baby/fetus and sent me a picture of what my little man was looking like at that point. So sweet.
Newest issue . . . running out of clothes that fit!
36 Weeks
(introducing life in sweats)
This week also marked the beginning of weekly visits to my OB - which screams -
It was also Craft Fair Weekend!
Hunter was off to KDO so momma came up and we headed to War Eagle. The weather was beyond perfect but after walking around for only about 2 hours, my hips were killing me and I was swollen from the knees down - time to go home. We managed to make it to the convention center the next day but our "craft fairing" was scaled waayy back this year. Oh well - we still had fun!
37 Weeks
Feeling pretty good at this point . . . I think I finally stretched out big enough to hold him 'comfortably' (and I use that term loosely). lol. I also think it helps to finally be able to see the end in sight. I love being able to answer the question, "When are you due?" with "The 14th." With October 14th obviously behind us, it's clear that
Which is why it was kinda crazy for us to drive 2 hours away, to spend a beautiful fall day out at the far . . . Thank you Jesus for holding off our little guy a bit longer. :) Dr. Seale gave me a hesitant 'ok' since I still hadn't progressed what-so-ever and he was still very 'high'. (Andrew teased me about my outfit - seriously, Like I've got a ton of options at this point - haha)
Time for a few more before & afters:

38 Weeks
I rounded out October with my own precious pumpkin and welcomed the last 2 weeks (or less) of this pregnancy!
Seriously . . . that Jack-O-Lantern looks HUGE -- ahhaha

I truly didn't think I'd still be carrying this big boy around in my belly at this point. From very early on I just felt he'd arrive sometime towards the end of October . . . But here it is, November! Guess he's just snuggled & comfy in there (although mommy is reaching the point of "GET HIM OUT.") :)
Sleeping like his big brother & his Mommy, with his little hand & fingers resting on his head :) I have a very similar picture of Hunter sleeping just like this . . . and just the other morning I laughed when I woke up next to my little man and both of us had been sleeping in the exact same position, with our hands up above our heads.
Hudson also had the hiccups during this photo shoot - which was so sweet to be able to feel & also watch on the monitor. :)
And the Results??
He's estimated at weighing 8lbs 5oz already (38 weeks, 1 day) Oh... my...
And as for me? No progress what so ever. :( Looks like it may be a while still. But how much bigger will he get?? Ahhhh!!
39 Weeks (minus 1 day):
Last Belly Pic!
Last Belly Pic!
Before leaving for the hospital
Last belly comparison with Big Brother
Oh This:
--STILL outgrowing my maternity clothes. My shirts are constantly riding up revealing a couple inches of my belly (or elastic waistbands) to the point that Andrew asked if I had anything that actually fit the other day. hahaha I've hardly bought a thing this time which is great, especially considering I've been pregnant during completely opposite seasons . . . but that also means those 'XS' maternity tees that I've been leant don't necessarily fit all too well at this point! And what's really shocked me, is that when I pulled out those 'wintery' clothes-that I wore up until the end with Hunter-for our last few days of cooler weather, several of them were too small too! I know I feel bigger but really??
--Having serious trouble getting a good night’s sleep. All thanks to my size (my limbs keep falling asleep under my body’s crushing weight), my baby boy's jolt-me-awake-caliber kicks, the frequent bladder calls, on-giong Braxton-Hicks contractions, and my brain’s constant buzz of excitement and anxiety and massive to-do lists. Although with Hunter's pregnancy, my lack of sleep was 100% related to severe back/neck pain - so I guess I'm happy that's not reoccurring. So you'd think all of that would mean I'd be falling asleep early or taking afternoon naps - but no. I think it's been a week or two since I've gone to bed before midnight. I've gotten to the point where I almost dread "going to bed/sleep." It's not like I have all this energy - I just don't feel like dealing with trying to sleep . . .
I know, I'll be kicking myself once baby boy is here.
--Actually not being physically able to reach things due to the arm-belly-object ratio. Which can be seriously frustrating at times besides painful. I can't count the number of times I've swung open a door and the little metal thingy (exact terminology unknown or cared about at this very moment) has scraped my belly. And I've now ruined 2 white tees because of this distance ratio while trying to cook meals (note to self: wear black tee when cooking spaghetti sauce)
--Clumsy, unstable, unbalanced, etc. I drop, I knock over, I spill, I trip, I bump into, and am unable to "squeeze past" anything at this point.
--PREGNANCY BRAIN. It's killing me. Or rather it may just be extremely aggravating to everyone else in my life. I literally cannot even remember to write down or set a reminder alarm - to remind myself. It's been horrible! . . . And this is where I say sorry, again, to my hubby for leaving the water hose running in the pool for over 24 hours. At least I was trying to be helpful - right?
--Not being able to breathe at a normal rate while doing any of the following - walking, talking, climbing stairs (ha - not sure if I could do that before), or even sitting. When talking on the phone, I actually have to sit down or it sounds like I'm in the middle of one of Andrew's Crossfit workouts.
--Potty trips. Andrew once again was shocked to find us almost out of TP again. What can I say? When you have to pee every 18.3 minutes, even if it isn't enough to fill a medicine cup, you go through alot of toilette paper.
New This Time Around:
--Cravings for grape soda. Besides the few I've mentioned; salt, salt, & salt. I haven't noticed near the amount of cravings that I had with Hunter. (though it also could be that I'm just eating exactly what I want, regardless of its nutritional value or my conscious awareness.) But this month brought on a strong craving for this new LOVE. Luckily I didn't notice that it was caffeine free until just a few days ago, as I was limiting myself to 1 per day, and since then there have been days I've chosen to replace one for a meal - bad, I know.
--Nesting. I've mentioned this before, but if I went through this with Hunter I just don't remember. But with each to-do I check off, I think I add 10 more. It started with the nursery and Hunter's room (completed) and then to cleaning & organizing (mostly completed), and now I've gone crazy with the constant obsession of finishing long-procrastinated tasks and a ravenous compulsion to KEEP MOVING, STAY BUSY, CANNOT SIT STILL - to the point where I kept having to FORCE MYSELF to relax my mind & body enough to sit, play, & enjoy my time with Hunter today rather than fretting over the 50 other things I 'felt' I needed to be doing.
--The realization of an actual baby inside of me. During my pregnancy with Hunter it was truly hard for me to imagine or understand what all was going on in my belly or what was about to come, but as I get closer to 36-37-38-39 weeks, it's all too real that there is an actual thriving, moving, REAL-LIFE baby inside of me. It still blows my mind to think I could just as easily be carrying him around in my arms rather than in my belly at this very moment-- and that he looks just like all those other newborn babies that so many of my friends keep posting pictures of on facebook, that they've recently had at 36+ weeks . . .
--The Kicking & Moving. And so not only is this baby feisty and I swear moves EVEN more than Hunter did, he moves in a crazy, pointy, VISIBLE ways, (there’s always a body part or two sticking out of my belly — elbows and knees and feet, and hands and fingers, and booty). I may also be more aware this time, but I feel like I can pretty much tell what body part is causing the typical discomfort. He also gets the hiccups several times a day - which was once sweet & cute, but has now grown to be almost as annoying as having them myself. However, with this difference in 'awareness' I have this time, I feel like I can also relate to him better. I've noticed that if I cough or sneeze, it will often startle him & cause a jump or kick or when he's stretching his feet a little too far, I'll push back or tickle on that part of my belly and he'll jerk it back (just like a baby would on the outside). :) His big brother also gets in on the action and loves to "wake him up" by giving him a good poke . . . which often results in a retaliating kick back. And so it begins - haha
--Which brings me to Hunter. He's still the 'newest' part of this pregnancy by far. He shines a whole new light on what I'm about to bring home, what I have to look forward to and what I'm nervous or anxious about going through again. I am definitely more tired, both physically & mentally exhausted, keeping up with this rough, tough, wild, & sweet 3 year old - while constantly carrying around his baby brother, that is barely being held up/in by my now thinly stretched out muscles & skin. He also brings forth the reality that I have no idea what will happen when baby brother is HOME. And stays at home. And doesn’t ever go back to the Baby Hospital. :) He's genuinely excited right now, but I expect we will have our issues & adjusting - I just wish I knew what to expect & how to prepare for them. Yesterday I made the mistake of saying too much, when this terribly sappy feeling came over me that this could be my last day, enjoying just Hunter. Clearly, I'm excited about the baby - but there is a part of me that is saddened to know that all too soon my attention will be divided, my time will be lessoned, and the life as we have known it for the past 3 1/2 years will be forever changed. After cheering him on doing tricks on the trampoline & thinking these sad thoughts, I called him over for a much needed hug & kiss and said, "oh mommy is going to miss this special time with just Hunter after baby Hudson gets here..." Instantly his big brown eyes shot a worried glance at mine, letting me know he understood enough to be concerned himself - so I quickly shifted to 'happy & excited mommy' and talked about all the fun & special things that were to come as well, and reassured him (as well as myself) that we could always leave our baby with Daddy or Grandmommy and we'd still have "special Hunter & Mommy time."
I read some great advice the other day that said: "your older child will constantly be told that “the baby needs Mama/milk/diaper change/rocking right now,” so whenever you attend to your older child’s needs, turn to the baby and tell HIM that “Hunter needs Mama/juice/to go potty/a snack right now.” I think this is brilliant & I see Hunter responding to that very well. I already try to watch my words, because if I ever complain about being uncomfortable or "the baby is hurting my belly," Hunter is quick to my defense telling baby to "be nice and don't hurt mommy!" And he's shown a little sensitivity to me not being ABLE to carry or hold him because of my baby belly . . . so I usually try to blame it on something else. :)
When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.
John 16:21
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