So I thought it would be a given that my little man would be 'Bob the Builder' for Halloween this year - and be SUPER PUMPED over it. We already had the 'outfit' & tools on hand and with his little obsession for construction, it was really just too perfect. Oh how wrong us mommies can be sometimes...
By the look of displeasure on his face, you can tell the effort it took just for me to convince him to 'try it on and see' . . . it didn't help -- Hunter had it set in his mind that he was going to be a "bear," like last year.
I'm not sure if he actually remembered or saw it from pictures, but thankfully I hadn't sold the costume & it still fit - because this strong-willed & determined little man would have it no other way. I kinda think in his mind, that he saw the two as one: halloween = bear costume. So I finally accepted my defeat.
He couldn't have been happier.
Just a reminder of how cute he looked last year :)
In the days leading up to Halloween we had a few preparations:
First up was to get our pumpkin family out front and add a 4th pumpkin to our patch! Can't help look back at how our first little pumpkin as grown . . .
18 Months 2 1/2 Years 

3 1/2 Years
And look at how he's grown compared to his favorite scarecrow
--once shorter and now a head taller!
--once shorter and now a head taller!

His new favorite look
Then it was time for Hunter to actually help, for the first time, with carving a pumpkin
Of course we had to have popcorn . . .
After watching cartoons & doing crafts involving them, Hunter had been talking about it and was really excited to "carve that jack-o-wantern pumpkin."
But once he realized what all that involved - his enthusiasm quickly faded. I thought he'd enjoy the dirty-ness of it but once again . . . mommy was wrong.
Daddy had anticipated a "fun evening of pumpkin carving" as well, and was trying keep the "fun" going although our little man was growing more tired & cranky with every minute that passed. (we both agreed that pumpkin carving used to be so much more "fun" when we were younger . . . now it feels a bit like work, with a big mess to clean up in the end) haha
Comparing our "pumpkins"
Hunter requested "just a face" like the one he'd made out of construction paper at KDO. We'd actually never carved a 'traditional' Jack-O-Lantern
Happy Halloween
(or "Halloween Day" as Hunter kept calling it)
We started off with a special "trick-or-treat" breakfast that included a POPTART WITH ICING & SPRINKLES on a spooky plate.
And enjoyed watching a 'Dora the Explorer' Halloween Special
That afternoon our sweet new neighbor dropped off some fabulous
Halloween Treats!
Homemade Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread for me . . .
And an entire bag of candy & treats for Hunter! He was THRILLED!
And was especially fond of the green slime that made "pooting noises." Such.A.Boy.
That evening, the Robertsons stopped by before trick-or-treating!
Having Kellen there actually brought out some easy smiles from this little bear
Getting a couple of 3 year olds to stay still for pictures is about impossible but I love what buddies these two have become.
We weren't sure what to expect on our first attempt at actual door-to-door trick-or-treating with our typically VERY SHY little man, but he was SO EXCITED and shocked us all when he went straight up to the door and said "Trick-Or-Treat!" His excitement lasted for maybe 4 more houses and then he looked in his bucket and said, "I got enough, let's go back home." hahaha Andrew & I tried talking him into at least finishing the street but no, he was "all done & got enough candy." :) At least he's not greedy!!
But the fun wasn't over! It was candy sorting time!!
Hunter was excited that his baby brother dressed up too. :)
And what better way to end a fantastic "Halloween Day" than with (our family's version) of POPCORN BALLS! YUM-YUM-YUMMM
Came across these old photos and couldn't resist . . . HAHAHAHAH
I'd say they've definitely both grown more handsome over the years . . .

I'd say they've definitely both grown more handsome over the years . . .

Who knew 10 years later I'd be married to that 'Party Animal' and we'd be carving pumpkins with our son and waiting for our 2nd to arrive any day . . .
LOVE my little family
But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you. For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield.
Psalms 5:11-12
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