Well I've waited a little while to make this post, (I didn't want to jinx us), but I can proudly announce that over the past couple of months our little man has become Potty Trained!! Yeah!!
It's been an on-giong process that began last summer, but it wasn't until the first of the year that Mommy decided Hunter was big enough, smart enough, and capable enough to make this happen. So with an overnight decision to not buy any more diapers, we started the next day with big boy underwear on. Grandmommy was there for the potty training kick off -- even daring to take the first outing in underwear to Wal-Mart (accident free by the way!). Of course the first few days saw their fair share of "accidents" but probably not as many as we were expecting. And after just 2 weeks we were all feeling very confident that Hunter had the idea. We were so surprised that this daunting stage of progression had actually went so smoothly... for the most part :)
With the two exceptions of about 10 days of tummy sickness that sent us back into diapers and a 3 day potty training revolt that left us with several messes, our little man finally was "easy" at something. haha It could have been that he was just truly ready (2 1/2), or that his best friend Ava (along with about every child in his KDO class -- the poor teachers) decided to potty train at the same time, or maybe we were just blessed, i'm not sure. But whatever the reason, we are so glad that it was as easy as it was considering all of the warnings we'd been hearing -- you know, the horrors of potty training, especially little boys! ;)
I will admit that it had, and still occasionally has it's challenges, mostly dealing with those times when our sweet little boy informs us that he "wasn't fast enough" or when his aim is slightly off. hehe But generally speaking, potty training has been a great success!
A couple highlights too precious to leave out:
---Hunter picked out these "Tars Underwears" all by himself and is obviously very proud of them :)
---While staying with grandparents one weekend, Papa Bob got a little concerned with how long our little man tends to stay on the potty . . . of course asking that entire time for privacy.
---After several days of potty training with his sweet friend, us parents had a couple things to clear up. One, Hunter had to learn that he wears underwear, not "panties" and two, Ava had to learn their techniques had to be slightly different.
---While home alone with his daddy, Hunter ventured off to use the potty. When daddy checked on him, Hunter asked him to leave the door closed but agreed to holler when finished. After about 15 minutes daddy went back again only to find an empty roll of TP and a completely stopped up toilet. When asked why he didn't call him, Hunter replied, "I did daddy - you not listen. Can I have a sticker?" hahaha
A note to my little man:
In no way is this post meant to embarrass you; only to shower you in the ultimate praise you deserve. We are so proud of this "big boy" accomplishment and honestly, you are too. :) In some ways it has been sad to see that precious diaper waddle disappear, but mommy is so thankful that God continually allows us to watch you grow and develop. Time goes by so quickly, and hitting these major milestones help pause life for a moment, and realize just that. You are my sweet sweet boy and I love you, I love you, I love you.
"The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy..”
Psalm 126:3